Saturday, January 21, 2012


Did you ever stop to think about how bedrest and boring both start with the letter "b"? I assure you that it is no coincidence. I really should be spending my time catching up on all my lesson plans and grad school work, but I can only type TLW so many times before I want to scratch my eyes out. What do I do with all this free time? So glad you asked. Just to name a few, I:

pin a lot of recipes and dream about good food
throw my husband's green croc down our hallway for the dogs to chase
blow my nose about every 3 seconds (pregnancy congestion)
watch Law & Order SVU on Netflix (who knew that Alex got shot? not me! sorry if I spoiled it...)
turn the heat off, then on, then back off
type a lesson plan or do some homework
think about all the things I could be doing in a vertical position

Repeat that cycle every hour or so and you've got the gist of my day. I know, I know, it will all be worth it when these babies get here. I don't doubt that for a minute. I'm just super duper bored right now. If the Cheesecake Factory was within driving distance, I'm pretty sure I could be satisfied for at least a day or two :)

What about you ladies? Have any of you ever been on bedrest? Did you spend every minute thinking about the food you wanted but couldn't have?


  1. If you were still in bham, I would bring you that pasta from the cheesecake factory! :)

  2. I was on bed rest with my 2nd child. No fun at all. I'm days away from having my third... no bed rest this time but we will probably induce because my blood pressure is rising. There are definitely perks to resting before the baby comes but it competes with the overwhelming desire to "nest", doesn't it?

  3. It does! I just wish my husband was as in to "nesting" as I am!
