Friday, January 27, 2012

3D Pictures

Here are two of the best 3D pictures we got yesterday. Little Lyla was not cooperating, so you won't be seeing here until she decides to greet the world in a few weeks. These pictures are of Jaye. We cannot wait to meet him!

I have two very active babies, so things look a little distorted. At one point during the ultrasound, Jaye yawned, and I think it was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

We had our ultrasounds done at 4D Sneak Peek in Jackson, TN. The lady who helped us had twin girls of her own. She and I were able to relate and chat about all things baby. She worked really hard to get a good pic of Lyla, but all we got were some knees and elbows. Once we get our CD in the mail, I will upload those. There's not a whole lot of room in my belly and throughout the ultrasound, Lyla had her rear end up in the air with her legs over her face. I cannot even imagine how that would be comfortable. Jaye took up most of the room (typical boy) and was stretched all the way out. Lyla said, "Well, take this!" Her bottom was right in his face the whole time. If you are interested in getting a 3D or 4D ultrasound, I recommend this company. We were treated well, the ultrasound gel was warm and the table was comfortable. Stay tuned for the video (if we can get it uploaded)!


  1. Ahhh! My little girl is coming soon and these photos of Jaye make me melt! And I love the names.

  2. Thank you! Jaye is my maiden name and I loved "Friday Night Lights," so that's where we got Lyla. We're so glad we did the 3D, especially since we might be done after this. How blessed we are to have gotten a girl and boy in one try!
