Friday, January 20, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers and just readers of blogs! Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Holly, I'm 27, and I live with my sweet husband and two crazy dogs in West TN. I'm originally from the great state of Alabama, which I miss dearly. My mom, dad, sister and all the grandparents are lucky enough to reside there now. Nothing against TN mind you, but home is home.

You may ask yourself, why is this person writing a blog? Well, let me explain. My husband and I married in June of 2010, and last August we discovered we were pregnant. When I discussed with my doctor about the stomach pains I was having, he said, "You know, you could be carrying multiples." I laughed out loud, shook my head and walked out the door $20 poorer (stinkin' copays!). Six weeks later, while waiting for our first ultrasound, the nice lady said, "Oh here's one fetus, and here's the other." My husband squeaked out "TWO?" and she laughed at us, then helped me scrape Erick's jaw off the floor.

Now, here I am 5 months later, only 25 weeks pregnant and confined to my bed/couch. So, since I basically have all day to write maternity leave lesson plans and do grad school work, I figured I'd squeeze in something fun to pass the time. A blog. That way all my friends and family in good ole' Alabama and around these parts can keep up with me, since they won't be seeing me til little Jaye Andrew and Lyla Marie make their grand appearance.

If anyone else out there is a mom of multiples, loves Australian Shepherds or just wants to comment/read, feel free.

Oh, and one more thing, ROLL TIDE ROLL!

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