Saturday, August 18, 2012

24 Day Trim Challenge-Day 6

I apologize for not posting. I have been crazy busy with school, and when I get home, there are babies to tend to. By the time they go down, mom is ready to sleep too. I have a little free time this morning, so I wanted to update you on my 24 Day Trim Challenge progress. So far, I am down over four pounds and some inches, but I haven't measured those yet. I can only tell by the way my pants fit. Has it been easy? No. I have wanted a Coke so bad I dream about them, but I am NOT about to waste the money I spent on Advocare on a 75 cent drink. The SPARK helps with caffeine, but it just isn't as delicious as an ice cold Coca-Cola. Mmmmmmm. Must. Stop. Thinking. About. Coke.

In all honesty, I do feel good. I wouldn't say that I am skipping around turning cartwheels, but I'm not miserable. I know I am tired because I have two four month olds, a house to clean and school work to do, but the SPARK always gives me enough energy and focus to last from about 2:00 til supper. I haven't felt up to making any of the cookbook recipes until today, and I am going to try out the slow cooker burrito chicken. I will serve it with black beans. Eating lunch during the school day has been a little iffy, simply because my hometown is not really conducive to healthy eating, and Wal-Mart is just not up to par with their fruit. I miss Publix in Birmingham.

Mainly, I have had tuna, turkey wraps (whole wheat), NUT-rition packs, almonds, kiwi, apples, bananas, fish and chicken. There are plenty of ways to add a little flavor without adding tons of sugar and calories. I am also getting a lot of low-carb stuff from Pinterest.

So, that's my update. For those of you checking on the babies and not my weight (ha!), they are fine. Growing like weeds actually. Jaye has been pretty fussy these past few days, and he didn't sleep the other night, so that was fun. Lyla is smiling one minute and poking that bottom lip out the next. How did my kids learn to pout so quickly? It was their dad, I am sure.

Hope you are all enjoying these last few weekends of summer! I am ready for football!

Roll Tide Roll!

Weight: 154.4 lbs.

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