Sunday, April 29, 2012

Life With Babies

What a crazy three weeks it has been! On Saturday, April 7, I told my husband that I was having contractions and we quickly began getting ready to make the trip to the hospital. After the hour and a half drive, we arrived at Methodist Germantown Hospital in Memphis, TN. I was placed in a labor and delivery room, and called my parents so they could be on standby. Seventeen hours after arriving at the hospital, and a little over twenty-four hours after the first contractions, we were told that a vaginal delivery would not be possible, and we got ready for a C-section. On April 8, at 11:24 AM, Jaye Andrew Rivers arrived, and two minutes later Lyla Marie Rivers entered the world as well. We had to spend a week in the NICU because of some breathing issues, but we have been home two weeks now. Life is difficult, but good. I never knew I could be this tired!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Holly! How many weeks were you & what were their weights? I hope u get a chance to post pics soon. Im at 35wks tommorow & my shower was last Sat, so I am ready to see my own two soon!
