Thursday, March 15, 2012

33 Weeks...

Phew! It's been a crazy month. I've had people in and out helping me clean, we've purchased a snazzy new grill, some wonderful church friends threw me a baby shower and I have almost finished the nursery. I know a few folks wanted to see some pictures, so I'm posting my cute baby shower cake and photos of all the presents I received. God is so good!

Isn't it sweet? A local lady made it and not only was it cute, it was delicious! I'm a sucker for strawberry cake! I also got a BOATLOAD (is that one word or two?) gifts.

I really had no idea that we would receive all the things we did, and Erick and I continue to get gifts in the mail and at church every week. I told him that these babies were going to be super spoiled, and that he and I might as well forget about Christmas gifts in the future. It'll be all about the twins. I apologize to my sister in advance, just in case she feels the side effects of all this! Ha!

I'll be 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow. It's funny how quickly the time has flown by. I appreciate the small, quiet moments with my hubby more and more, but I am so excited for the future. At the last doctor's visit, I had actually gained inches, instead of continuing to efface. I was a teeny bit frustrated, because I am ready, but God's timing is perfect. I want these babies to come out healthy, happy and ready to come straight home.

I hope everyone is enjoying this fabulous weather. It's currently 76 and sunny in my neck of the woods. If you haven't already, get outside and get ready for spring!


  1. Thx for the update. When did your doc take u off of bedrest?

  2. He didn't. I snuck out for this, but I sat down the whole time. It was nice to be out and about for a bit. The shower was back in February, so I wasn't quite as big as I am now, which made it easier too.

  3. Oh. I was told to postpone my shower til 36wks . . . but Im thinking I cant wait that long. So I may break loose too Haha. Hope u are doing well!

  4. 35 weeks tomorrow! They thought I had toxemia at my last appointment, but luckily it was just plain old high blood pressure. Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly from here on out! Have fun at your shower!
