Monday, August 13, 2012

24 Day Trim Challenge - Day 2

When I stepped on the scale this morning, I was in shock. I have already lost two pounds. I believe it was a ton of water weight, since I've been guzzling like crazy. With every meal or snack I drink at least 8 ounces. Surprisingly, I haven't spent all day in the bathroom. I mean, I am drinking a lot of water, so I do have to go, but it's not like you would think. My stomach has not cramped or been upset for the past two days.

I am also not following the cookbook just yet, but I know enough about lean proteins, veggies and fruits that I am fitting 2-3 snacks in per day, and all are under 30 grams of carbs a piece. Tonight, we had tilapia in a serving size of fat free Zesty Italian, green beans (frozen, not canned) and for dessert I had 2 kiwi. It was enough that I am not hungry, and also pretty tasty.

I did have a bit of a headache this morning at work; however, as soon as I drank my Spark, I felt refreshed and ready to go. I made it from 2:30-7:00 without a snack or meal, and I fit in 3 miles of walking.

I am being honest with you folks, I feel great. I have enough energy to get me through work, and my Spark helps me get through that afternoon lull. What I like about Advocare is that you can buy the products separately. For example, maybe you don't need to lose weight, but you need a push during the day. Well, you could buy you a pack of Spark a part from the 24 Day Challenge kit.

Today's flavor of Spark was cherry. I liked it, but mandarin orange still is at the top of my list.

Weight: 156.4

On a family note, the babies SCREAMED from about the time we finished our walk until about 15 minutes ago. Parenthood is hard y'all! Anyone got suggestions on soothing babies to sleep? I think Erick and I are losing our touch!

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